
About Storskogen

Storskogen was founded in 2012, with a mission to acquire and operate well-managed and profitable small and medium-sized companies with leading positions in their respective markets.
Storskogen is divided into three business areas, consisting of 125 business units divided into 14 verticals with about 12,000 employees as of 31 March 2024, predominantly in Sweden as well as in the other Nordic countries, Germany, Switzerland, Singapore and the UK.

We believe in nurturing the qualities that have made the companies we acquire successful and it is not our intention to divest them. Business owners who sell their life's work to Storskogen can be confident that Storskogen, as a new owner, will contribute its expertise and provide support for the company's continued development and success.

Key figures Q1 2024


business units within Trade, Industry and Services


SEK billion in sales (LTM)


employees in the Group

Long-term strategy
and value creation

Anyone who has started a company is aware that it rarely becomes successful overnight. In addition, every company is unique and is affected by varying and sometimes complex factors.

Perseverance and a long-term perspective are therefore often required to create value over time. With this in mind, we have adopted the following philosophy:

  • We do not set any limits on our ownership horizon
  • We prioritise long-term results over short-term gains
  • We strive to run companies with a sustainable business model
  • We have a strong focus on professionalism and business ethics

Entrepreneurship and skills

Storskogen has adopted a proven ownership model whereby acquired companies adhere to the group's principles for financial management and control but retain responsibility for operational business decisions. The companies continue to be responsible for their own strategy, skills and results. To take away responsibility is to diminish the entrepreneurial spirit and drive that form the core of Storskogen's ownership model.

Our range of expertise stems from the array of industries and operations within the group, enabling us to act as a sounding board for the CEOs in various decision-making processes, and to assist our companies with planned management changes.

Through active governance, Storskogen ensures that the companies have functioning business plans and budgets. Acquired companies are integrated into the group's financial management, which provides both parties with effective tools to monitor results from operational activities.


Storskogen's subsidiaries have a total of approximately 12,000 employees in 30 countries. At the head office in Stockholm and our corporate offices in Denmark, Norway, Germany, Singapore, Switzerland and the UK there are over 100 people working in specialist areas such as law, financial management, M&A and operational management.

Team and contact information


A long-term ambition goes hand in hand with a sustainable perspective and at Storskogen it starts already in the acquisition process when Storskogen analyses companies. A sustainable perspective permeates a number of areas, from efficient resource consumption to creating competitive advantages to safeguarding employees and their skills development.

Our approach to sustainability