“We are stronger together”

Mikael Jonsson, Investment Director within Industrial Technology, shares his insights on how Storskogen as an owner contributes to strengthening the business units’ customer offers and market positions. This is partly realised through collaboration within the vertical, for example through knowledge exchange and joint business projects.
A vertical with diversified business models
The Industrial Technology vertical consists of business units that are strong in their respective niches and operate towards industrial customers in sectors such as automotive and mining. Common denominators for the business units in the vertical are a high degree of automation and that they all are subcontractors for a final product – whether it’s components for an excavator, a pump, or a steel frame for an arena. They thus have similar challenges related to automation investments, sales work, pricing, system support and financial follow-up.
A long-term strategy
The long-term perspective is central to the vertical’s strategy. Within the industries where the business units are active, there is continuous technology development, and we work together with all business units to enable a high degree of innovation and to track and utilise technology developments and ensure sustainable and resilient business models.
Our engagement in the business units
We are active owners who are engaged in the business units, and it is fantastic to see what excellent companies we have both within and outside Sweden. The variation between the companies and their high quality makes the work satisfying - both to take advantage of opportunities and to tackle challenges.
For those of us working in the vertical, the main task is to support, challenge and collaborate with the management teams to ensure that the business units have the best possible conditions to realise their potential. The accumulated experience that we at team Storskogen have from various positions in the industry sector is a prerequisite for solving the type of issues that come up on the agenda, mainly through board work.
Flexible and customised support
Issues that arise vary depending on the business unit and can, for example, concern ensuring frictionless succession of management personnel. Ensuring the right competence of the CEO and key persons is one of our most important tasks. In other contexts, the work is focused on helping to identify and realise synergies within and beyond the vertical. Examples of this are framework agreements, collaboration and knowledge exchange between the business units.
Knowledge exchange and a more stimulating working life is also achieved between the business units in cases where management personnel are active on the board of a sister company. For example, through the board work, business unit IMS Maskinteknik receives support from the CEO of Alfta Kvalitetslego, who has extensive experience from the same industry.
Cooperation strengthens market positions
A significant collaboration within the vertical is related to the large industrial investments that are made in northern Sweden, closely linked to the green transition. In total there are investment plans of an estimated SEK 1,000 billion in areas such as electrification, wind farms, hydrogen storage and green steel.
Through collaboration within the vertical, Storskogen has enabled for the business units to be eligible for these projects. The business units have come together to create a joint service offering, where they can carry out work in different phases of the projects or collaborate in the same project stages. For example, VINAB and Stål & Rörmontage, who manufacture steel constructions for the processing industry, can be active in the manufacturing and construction phase, while JD Pierce, who has a highly automated production of steel constructions, can manufacture large quantities of steel for assembly.
The expanded and joint services offering has resulted in multiple tenders and won deals in projects that these small and medium-sized businesses otherwise would not be eligible for, but where Storskogen, as an international business group, can offer the client security, stability and a broad offer. This shows how the business units and their individual operations become stronger together within Storskogen.
Mikael Jonsson
Investment Director
Industrial Technology, Industry
Mikael Jonsson is responsible for the Industrial Technology vertical within the Industry business area. He has an extensive background with, among other things, over 10 years of experience from the construction company NCC. Before joining Storskogen, Mikael Jonsson was Managing Director of Ramirent Solution, where he was a driving force in making the construction industry more efficient via Den Temporära Fabriken which is applied in several complex construction projects, and with extensive results and personnel responsibility as Regional Manager for Ramirent Mälardalen.