Board of directors

Members of the board of directors are normally appointed by the annual general meeting for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. According to the company’s articles of association, the board of directors shall consist of not less than three and not more than ten board members, without deputy members. Pursuant to the Code, the chair of the board of directors shall be appointed by the general meeting. Not more than one board member elected by the general meeting may be a member of the executive management of the company or a subsidiary of the company. The majority of the board members elected by the general meeting are to be independent of the company and its executive management. At least two of the board members who are independent of the company and its executive management are also to be independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders. 

I nedanstående tabell presenteras styrelseledamöterna, deras befattning, året då de valdes in i styrelsen för första gången samt huruvida de anses vara oberoende i förhållande till bolaget, bolagsledningen och bolagets större aktieägare.

StyrelseledamotBefattningStyrelseledamot i
Storskogen sedan
Oberoende i förhållande till
Storskogen och
Storskogens större
Annette Brodin RampeOrdförande2022JaJa
Bengt BraunLedamot2019JaJa
Louise HedbergLedamot2019JaJa
Johan ThorellLedamot2019JaJa
Alexander BjärgårdLedamot2019NejNej
1) Med större aktieägare avses aktieägare som direkt eller indirekt kontrollerar tio procent eller mer av aktierna eller rösterna i Bolaget.
Annette Brodin Rampe

Annette Brodin Rampe

Chair (since 2022)

  • Born: 1962
  • Principal education: M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola.
  • Other current positions outside Storskogen: CEO ImagineCare AB, Board member of Pion Group AB (previously Poolia), Ferronordic AB and Episurf Medical AB.
  • Previous positions outside Storskogen: CEO Internationella Engelska Skolan, Board member of Peab AB, Ernströmgruppen AB and Stillfront Group AB. Managing partner and senior advisor to Brunswick Group.
  • Independence pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code: Independent in relation to the Company, the executive management and the Company’s major shareholders.

Shareholding in Storskogen

Louise Hedberg

Louise Hedberg

Board member (since 2019)

  • Born: 1974
  • Principal education: M.Sc. Business and Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, as well as studies in sustainability, Stockholm University and Stockholm Resilience Centre.
  • Other current positions outside Storskogen: CEO and Chair of the board of directors of Penny to Pound Aktiebolag. Board member of East Capital SICAV (Lux), East Capital (Lux) General Partner S.à r.l., Espiria SICAV (Lux), SEB Investment Management AB, P Capital Partners and RCO Security Group AB. Deputy board member of Hayman AB.
  • Previous positions outside Storskogen: Head of Corporate Governance and Sustainability East Capital, Head of IR East Capital Explorer, Head of IR Dometic Group, consultant JKL Group.
  • Independence pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code: Independent in relation to the Company, the executive management and the Company’s major shareholders.

Shareholding in Storskogen

Johan Thorell

Johan Thorell

Board member (since 2019)

  • Born: 1970
  • Principal education: MSc Business and Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.
  • Other current positions outside Storskogen: CEO and board member of Gryningskust Holding AB and subsidiaries. Chair of the board of Kallebäck Property Invest AB. Board member of Atrium Ljungberg AB, AB Sagax, K2A Knaust & Andersson Fastigheter AB and Hemsö Fastighets AB.
  • Previous positions outside Storskogen: CEO Gryningskust Holding, active in real estate management since 1996.
  • Independence pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code: Independent in relation to the Company, the executive management and the Company’s major shareholders.

Shareholding in Storskogen

Alexander Bjärgård

Alexander Bjärgård

Board member (since 2019)

  • Born: 1974
  • Principal education: LL.M., Uppsala University, studies in business and other subjects, Boise State University, IFALPES and IFL.
  • Other current positions outside Storskogen: Board member of Firm Factory Network AB. Deputy board member of Kullengubben Advokat AB.
  • Previous positions outside Storskogen: Partner and serial entrepreneur at Firm Factory Network, Head of legal and purchasing manager Tradimus, legal associate Mannheimer Swartling.
  • Independence pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code: Not independent in relation to the Company, the executive management or the Company’s major shareholders.

Shareholding in Storskogen

Robert Belkic

Robert Belkic

Board member (since 2023)

  • Born: 1970
  • Principal education: B.Sc. Business Administration and Economics, Stockholm University.
  • Other current positions outside Storskogen: Board member of Vimian Group AB.
  • Previous positions outside Storskogen: Interim CFO Polarium Energy Solutions AB, CFO, EVP and Group Treasurer Hexagon AB, Group Treasurer EF Education First Ltd, Assistant Group Treasurer Autoliv Inc, Chief Dealer Esselte AB.
  • Independence pursuant to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code: Independent in relation to the Company, the executive management and the Company’s major shareholders.

Shareholding in Storskogen