Companies within Services

Agnesbergs Grävtjänst i Kungälv

Agnesbergs Grävtjänst i Kungälv AB was founded in 1969 and is a provider of engineering and construction services such as installation of district heating and cooling, gas pipelines and also performs stone, cable and water and sewerage work. The company is headquartered in Kungälv and their customers mainly consist of municipalities and energy companies in the Gothenburg region.

Agnesbergs Grävtjänst i Kungälv

Companies within other business areas

Storskogen’s companies are divided into three business areas, Services, Trade and Industry, with underlying verticals. The companies contribute to good operational and geographical diversification, which creates stability and conditions for growth. The companies all have a strong market position, a proven business model, long-term profitability and an entrepreneurial spirit in common.