Our values are the core of our business model

At Storskogen, we believe that our competence, our values and how we are organised are important factors for growth and success. The organisation should therefore be scalable, promote local entrepreneurship and support our vision of being the best owner for small and medium-sized companies

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Our organisation

Storskogen has about 70 employees within our central organisations in Denmark, Germany, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, the UK, and our headquarters in Sweden.

The companies in Storskogen are supported by the three business areas – Services, Trade and Industry. The business areas have both generalist and specialist competence. Storskogen also has central functions, which support the business areas and the regional operations in a number of areas such as company acquisitions (M&A), corporate development, sustainability, finance, HR, legal and communications.

Send us your resume

Storskogen uses external recruitment companies when recruiting for specific positions, but you are welcome to submit a spontenous application via the form below. 

When you submit your resume and personal information to Storskogen, you agree to us handling and saving it internally.

Being a part of Storskogen

Meet our coworkers Karianne Melleby and Erika Butterworth. 

Our team

Find information about and contact details to our coworkers.

Team and contact information

Our values


• We focus on business opportunities and cost-efficiency.
• We dare to make decisions even if we do not have all the facts on the table.
• We are driven, solution- and action-oriented.
• We are innovative, open to new ideas and fueled by the mindset to never give up.

Our values


• We adapt ourselves to every context and situation.
• We help our colleagues.
• We meet on equal terms in all our interactions.
• We respect other people’s competence and are open and curious to learn more.

Our values

Long-term approach

• We focus on long-term success.
• We invest in people and long-term relations.
• We develop our companies to secure long-term competitiveness.
• We are sustainable and strive to be relevant in a 100 years.

Our values


• We make fact-based decisions based on essential information.
• We invest time in developing ourselves – always strive for improvement.
• We are honest and transparent.
• We aim to establish clear expectations and deliver on our promises.

"The right skills can be found and developed all over the world, but we are not content with that. Living by our values is the basis of our entire business concept."

Ulrika Brinck, HR Director

Contact for HR queries


Ulrika Brinck
HR Director
[email protected]